
Victoria is Back: Hearst’s Southern Expansion

April 27, 2007

A joint venture between Hearst Magazines and Hoffman Media of Birmingham, AL is bringing Victoria magazine back to life and at the same time adding to the southern expansion of Hearst Magazines. Few years ago Hearst bought the Atlanta based magazine Veranda and yesterday they announced that they partnered with Hoffman Media, publisher of Cooking with Paula Deen, Southern Lady, and A Taste of the South magazines to bring Victoria magazine back to life. Victoria was founded in 1987 as a spin off of Good Housekeeping under the editorialship of “the father of new magazine launches” John Mack Carter and was the brainchild of her founding editor Nancy Lindemeyer. The magazine became an instant success with readers and in few years hit the million copies circulation mark. However, in 2003, and without any warning signs Hearst pulled the plug on the magazine citing lack of advertising pages and revenues. The magazine, according to my sources, had one of the highest subscription renewals at the time the magazine was folded. It was yet another sign from our industry leaders that they want to continue to use the same old model of subsidy by advertisers rather than readers paying the fair price of the magazine. It was like telling the millions of readers of Victoria, that we care more about the fifty advertising customers more than the two or three million readers. It is a sad but true fact in the thinking of most of our big “New York” based publishers. Well, now come Hoffman Media, the little engine that could, to bring Victoria back to life. Victoria will be entirely under the direction of Hoffman Media. The plan for the magazine is to launch in October and to hit the 250,000 circulation mark after only two issue. I am sure that both John Mack Carter and Nancy Lindemeyer are delighted to hear about their baby’s rebirth. Congratulations to both.


  1. Thank God!!!!!

  2. This magazine sustained me through the last two years of college at 19 hours per quarter.

  3. BRAVO! Our 400 plus ladies, at MissingBliss, who are so devoted to the VICTORIA magazine are just delighted about his news. It is a great Renaissance day for us all.

  4. Ohhh, I am quite giddy with anticipation!

  5. I am estatic Victoria is coming home! It was like losing a child when she was closed down!

  6. OH GOODY!!!!!

  7. Yipee! I hope it is as good as it used to be. I loved it when they featured woman business owners. Can’t wait for October!

  8. I can hardly believe it or wait for Victoria magazine to start again.
    I have missed it so much that essence of the whole of a woman
    I have travelled far with cartons of this precious merchandise … the Victoria magazines & I often read them in the breakfast time or lunch on a sunny winter’s day..

  9. I really do believe in miracles now. Getting the postcard of Victoria’s revival today was the best piece of mail I’ve received since 2003. Looking so forward to my 1st issue. Along with its usual features, will you think about trips abroad to places so “Victoria”? I am HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY!!!

  10. When I saw the postcard in my mailbox I did not hesitate one second in putting it back in the mailbox to get a brand new issue of Victoria. My favorite magazine is being re-born.

  11. I’m so happy I can hardly contain it. My husband handed me the card and said, your Victoria is going to be published again. I squealed with Joy!

    I have every issue and will never part with them. I hope they go back to the older version of Victoria, pre 2001 modernizing.

  12. When I heard Victoria magazine was going to revive, I brought out my old issues and immediately went on a diet and got a fresh haircut. That magazine was a mainstay of inspiration for me.

  13. The old Victoria under Nancy Lindemeyer was a masterpiece. Sadly, the magazine declined badly after she left, and by the time it died, it deserved to go. Here’s hoping the new Victoria is more like Lindemeyer’s original vision instead of the watered-down, inane rag that replaced it.

  14. Thrilled & Delighted! Can’t wait for new issues! I’ve read all the others so many times. Thanks to All who made this possible. Elizabeth

  15. Thrilled & Delighted! Can’t wait to read new issues. I’ve read the old ones so many times. Thanks to All who made this possible, Elizabeth

  16. Wonderful news!!! Tell me Nancy Lindemeyer is coming back with it. She is brilliant in knowing the true heart of all women and what touches our feminine souls.The women, even the models were always smiling and she included children!! The decline came quickly after she left. Offer her whatever she asks. The subscription rate for this magazine can be higher than most if you follow the lead of Nancy Lindemeyer. Thank you, thank you.

  17. Has anyone received their first copy yet? or know when it’s supposed to be out? I thought it was this month.

  18. Too bad the premiere issue of the revived Victoria is such a HUGE disappointment. It’s a joke. The magic cannot be recreated.

  19. I was a little disappointed in the premiere issue. I really expected it to reflect the holiday season and decorations rather than dresses and jewelry. There’s not much to showcase in the next issue except Victorian valentines. Hoping it improves with future issues. I miss Nancy’s touch also!!!

  20. I am thrilled beyond belief….I was quite depressed when you people left the arena!!! Thank you a million times over….first issue was awesome!!!!!!!!

  21. HALLELUIA!!!!

  22. How does subscribe or where can it be published?



    • I am looking for old issues of Victoria Magazine.
      I hope you can help me.

  25. I am thrilled at the mention of a revived Victoria Magazine. Hwever, I agree with Lee and even more with Susan Schor regarding Nancy Lindemeyer’s brilliance. I just subscribed but will send back my first issue now that I know Nancy is not involved. What a stupid corporate move on the part of Hoffman Publishing. Why would you omit the very thing that made this publication so wonderful?
    Patty Reed

  26. I would like to know how I can subscribe to your Victoria magazine. I live in Canada,


    • Did you get your subscription in Canada? Are you still subscribing?

  27. Sadly, the new Victoria continues to disappoint. I think Nancy Lyndemeyer was an integral part of what made Victoria so special and without her the magic is gone. I still keep a subscription hoping against hope that maybe someday they will get it right…

  28. Does anyone know the exact month that Victoria ended? I believe it was May ’03 which was the Mother’s Day Brunch issue. Can someone please clarify??

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