Archive for September, 2023


Mr. Magazine™ Takes A Much Needed Break…

September 13, 2023

You may have noticed that I have not posted any blogs or interviews since July 11.  On August 1, shortly after finishing a Zoom interview with a magazine editor/publisher from the United Kingdom, I started to feel some pain in my chest.  The pain increased and ended up like an elephant sitting on my chest.  Tried to treat with some home remedies to no avail.  By noon, and after the pain started spreading to my shoulders, my wife called my daughter and I was rushed to the emergency room at the local hospital.  I had suffered a massive heart attack and they needed to operate on me immediately.  

Three stents were placed in three major arteries (including the LAD, the so-called widow maker) that were 100%, 99%, and 95% blocked.  After a three-day stay in the hospital and seven medications, I am now slowly, but surely recovering.  It will take nine more weeks for my damaged heart muscles to completely recover.

Needless to say, slowing down does mean slowing a bit on my blog and interviews, but rest assured, although I am following the advice of a dear friend, “Give your heart a rest from your tireless labors in championing print and editorial content!” I will be back, shortly but surely… But for now, spending time with family and friends are priority number one. 

God bless and all the best.

Samir “Mr. Magazine™” Husni, Ph.D.