Archive for January, 2008


The Best Launch Announcement of Them All…Elliott Samir Chaney

January 2, 2008

I do not usually use this space for personal information, but this time I am making a major exception. My first grandchild was born on Dec. 28 and I am pleased to share with y’all what my friend Steve Cohn wrote in today’s minonline:

The University of Mississippi journalism-department chairman is the expert on “magazine births,” but daughter Diala Husni Chaney gave him the best “launch” of all with the December 28, 2007, birth of his first grandchild, 8-pound/seven-ounce Elliott Samir Chaney. Congratulations to Diala and husband Phillip Chaney, and to Samir, wife Marie, and family.

Since neither Diala, an attorney, nor her two siblings, followed their Guide to New Magazines author/father’s footsteps, Samir hopes that perhaps a generation from now Elliott will be “Mr. Magazine Jr.” Stay tuned.